Category: Medicaid EHR Incentive Program

Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Year 2018 Opening March 18th

Date: February 15th, 2019

The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing is pleased to announce that the Colorado Medical Assistance Provider Incentive Repository (MAPIR) will be available and accepting Medicaid Eligible Professional, Eligible Hospital and Critical Access Hospital attestations for Program Year (PY) 2018 beginning March 18, 2019 and closing June 7, 2019.

MAPIR Portal Update: Important Information Regarding Incomplete Attestations

Date: March 23rd, 2018

Eight Days Left to Attest for Program Year 2016

MAPIR Portal Update: Adopt, Implement or Upgrade Selection Error

Date: March 6th, 2018

The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department) has identified a defect in the MAPIR attestation system for providers attesting for the first time in the system in Year 1 as Adopt (A), Implement (I) or Upgrade (U).

MAPIR Portal Update: 502 Server Error

Date: February 27th, 2018

Some participants are currently receiving the 502 error when attempting to attest to Program Year 2016 in the MAPIR system.

MAPIR Portal Update: Program Year 2016 Attestations Will be Temporarily Suspended Starting February 9, 2018

Date: January 26th, 2018

The expected temporary closing period is due to the Department upgrading the Colorado Registration and Attestation (CO R&A) Portal. The CO R&A will be unavailable for PY 2016 attestations beginning February 9, 2018 and will reopen February 22, 2018.

MAPIR Portal Update: 2016 Eligibility Date Error

Date: November 21st, 2017

Due to the late opening on October 15, the Colorado Registration and Attestation system is causing an error that deems some eligibility dates in 2016 as invalid or out-of-range.

MAPIR Portal Update: CMS Registration Issue

Date: November 13th, 2017

It has been noted that some providers are having difficulty registering at CMS for the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program because they were not issued a Medicaid Provider ID (MID).

MAPIR Portal Update: MMIS System Error

Date: November 13th, 2017

When attesting in the new Colorado Registration and Attestation System, you may receive an error related to the MMIS system payee record for the NPI related to the attestation.

MAPIR Portal Update: NPI and Provider ID Error

Date: November 10th, 2017

The first landing page after participants enter the MAPIR portal seen in below screenshot asks for verification that the NPI and Provider ID accurately identifies the entity you are attesting for, but does not populate the NPI and Provider ID.

MAPIR Portal Update: Payee Information Error

Date: November 10th, 2017

The portal is experiencing an error regarding payee information. When confirming where the incentive payment will be sent, the address appears wrong or populates the wrong location name or there is no location listed. Here is more information on how to fix this issue.