Category: All Blog
All posts tagged with “Meaningful Use.”
How Colorado’s County Jails Harness the Power of HIE
A growing number of detention centers and prisons use HIE to easily access health information on inmates, while realizing many other efficiencies. One local jail estimates a five-figure savings due to elimination of faxing
Two New Recorded Webinars for Medicaid EHR Incentive Program
CORHIO has recorded two informational webinars for those interested in participating in the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program.
Did You Know? The Recently Passed 21st Century Cures Act Includes Significant Health IT Regulations
Within the recently signed bill, The 21st Century Cures Act, is a powerful set of regulations about interoperability, EHR certification, health information exchange, information blocking, and more.
Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Attestation Site Now Open
Eligible Professionals now have until June 30th to attest to Meaningful Use for program year 2015
Are You Prepared for Upcoming Meaningful Use Requirements (and Avoiding Payment Adjustments)?
Here are a few highlights on upcoming deadlines and requirements for the EHR Incentive Programs, the potential payment adjustments for not participating, and how CORHIO can help.
Are Your Security Risk Analysis and Risk Management Programs Updated?
With the deadline for attesting to the EHR Incentive Programs fast-approaching and the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) announcing 200 desk audits in 2016, its time to make certain your security risk analysis (Objective 1), and risk management programs are up-to-date and sufficient to meet requirements.
Our Take on the Recent Meaningful Use News
We live and breathe Meaningful Use every day. Here’s what we think about all the hoopla. Anyone following the Meaningful Use program has heard the latest – Andy Slavitt, acting CMS administrator, made some interesting comments about the program at a conference in mid-January.
An In-Depth Look at the Public Health Objective in Modified Stage 2 of Meaningful Use
CMS released the final ruling for changes to the EHR Incentive Program and Meaningful Use on October 6, 2015, which included several changes to the Public Health objective. In previous years, the public health measures required “Ongoing Submission” to a public health agency. Starting in 2015, the wording was changed to “Active Engagement” to allow greater flexibility for eligible professionals (EPs) and eligible hospitals (EHs).
Get Serious About Your Security Risk Assessment
With the end of the 2015 reporting year quickly coming to a close, it’s time to start thinking about conducting or reviewing your Security Risk Assessment (SRA). Congratulations and a job well done to those who are on top of their game and have already accomplished this task. For those who haven’t, you must complete an SRA no later than the date of your attestation and it must cover your EHR reporting period.
Meaningful Use - So What's Changing?
Long summer days and vacations can easily make your forget about MU, but big changes are on the horizon. At the time of publishing, the final rule for the 2015-2017 Modifications to Meaningful Use has not yet been released but it is the perfect time to reacquaint yourselves with it.
Save the Date - CORHIO Boot Camp October 20th
Due to the anticipated changes to Meaningful Use and the EHR Incentive Programs and to the numerous advances in the Health IT field including HIE and quality reporting, CORHIO is organizing a 2015 Health IT Boot Camp.