Category: All Blog

All posts tagged with “CORHIO Network.”

Important Announcement: A Pledge to Rural Health Providers

CORHIO (a Contexture organization) supports health IT throughout Colorado.

Community Partner: CIVHC Pioneers Claims Data in Colorado

CIVHC’s focus is collecting and analyzing claims data provided by all major healthcare insurers throughout Colorado (as mandated by state law). That data identifies costs for medical procedures and services and can help stakeholders address issues related to cost, access, utilization and quality of care.

Your Opinion Matters: Take the 2021 HIE Participant Satisfaction Survey Today

Date: December 16th, 2021
Topics: HIE, CORHIO Network

In partnership with the National Business Research Institute, CORHIO has launched the 2021 Colorado Health Information Exchange (HIE) Participant Survey.

Spotlight on Rural Healthcare and HIE

Date: October 15th, 2021

As one of Colorado’s recognized health information exchanges (HIE), CORHIO provides critical health IT infrastructure and real-time health information to providers in all corners of the state, which is one of many reasons why we are among the proud sponsors of the Colorado Rural Health Center’s annual Colorado Rural Health Conference, Oct. 20-22 in Denver.

Healthcare Provider Uses HIE Data to Help Inmates Transition from Jail

A jail-to-community transition program improves medication consistency and continuity of care, based upon the goal of reducing recidivism.

How Colorado’s County Jails Harness the Power of HIE

A growing number of detention centers and prisons use HIE to easily access health information on inmates, while realizing many other efficiencies. One local jail estimates a five-figure savings due to elimination of faxing

New Rural Health Funding Available to Cover CORHIO Onboarding

Date: April 21st, 2021

Rural healthcare providers are vital members of the care community in Colorado – but their utilization of health information exchange (HIE) has been historically low. It can be difficult to incorporate HIE projects into over-burdened IT departments – and cost can be a significant barrier.

Diverse HIE Users Find Unique Value, Innovation Opportunities

How law enforcement, organ donation, health plans and emergency services use CORHIO’s HIE tools for the shared goal of better serving their respective populations.

PatientCare 360 Users – Did you know you can access care summaries from these organizations?

You can access recent care summaries on your patients from Kaiser Permanente, Department of Defense, Veteran’s Administration and Quality Health Network.

Veteran’s Administration Data Now Available in PatientCare 360

Date: December 14th, 2018

This includes care summary documents for patients affiliated with any VA healthcare facility in the United States.

Funding Opportunity to Join HIE Expanded, Limited Time to Participate

The Colorado Care Connections Program, a partnership between CORHIO and the Department of Healthcare Financing and Policy (HCPF) has been expanded, making funds available to a large number of organizations to participate in the health information exchange.

A Look Inside How CORHIO Keeps Data Safe in the Health Information Exchange

Date: November 28th, 2016

CORHIO strives to continually improve the stability and integrity of data in the CORHIO Health Information Exchange. We regularly review the data in our network and our processes to ensure our high quality standards are being met.

What data is in the CORHIO Health Information Exchange?

Date: September 9th, 2016
Topics: CORHIO Network

CORHIO participants have access to the state’s largest patient data repository of its kind. Accessed through CORHIO’s web portal PatientCare 360 or as results delivered right to your electronic health record system, our data is sent from 60 hospitals, 4 major laboratories and 12 imaging centers.

When a Patient is Transferred With Incomplete Records

Date: January 5th, 2016

Dr. Jeanine Compesi, physician at Kaiser Permanente, practices hospital medicine always outside the “walls” of Kaiser Permanente, as the health plan does not have its own hospital. Patients are often transferred from another care setting to one in which the Kaiser Permanente physician will be taking care of them, so sometimes getting accurate information on the patient can be tricky.

Penrose Hospital’s Emergency Department Uses High-Tech Systems to Deliver High-Quality Care

Penrose Hospital, located in the heart of Colorado Springs and part of Centura Health, has participated in the CORHIO health information exchange (HIE) since 2011. The hospital has a real-time, electronic connection to the CORHIO network, which allows community healthcare providers to access information on shared patients when coordinated care is delivered in outpatient settings such as physician offices and skilled nursing centers. In March of 2014, Penrose Hospital expanded its participation with CORHIO by implementing HIE patient query access in the Emergency Department (ED).

Colorado Springs Pulmonary Consultants Elevate Specialty Care with HIE

Date: August 13th, 2015

For more than 30 years, Colorado Springs Pulmonary Consultants (CSPC) has been serving patients across southern Colorado. Located on the Penrose Hospital campus, the practice is comprised of six board-certified pulmonary physicians and a certified nurse practitioner. The practice provides state-of-art care, which includes the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchange (HIE). CSPC connected to the CORHIO HIE in early 2012 and receives their patients' clinical results directly into their Greenway EHR system.

Rocky Mountain Youth Clinics' HIE Participation

Date: July 13th, 2015

Rocky Mountain Youth Clinics (RMYC) provides healthcare to more than 22,000 children in schools, hospitals, clinics and mobile units across Colorado. RMYC's commitment to high-quality care is demonstrated through a variety of initiatives, including the use of electronic medical records and health information exchange, which help enhance clinical decision-making and care coordination. The providers and staff at RMYC go above and beyond for the children and families they serve. For example, they give food bags to thousands of families in need every year and hand out about 9,000 books each year through the Reach Out and Read program.