Category: All Blog

All posts tagged with “Accountable Care.”

Diverse HIE Users Find Unique Value, Innovation Opportunities

How law enforcement, organ donation, health plans and emergency services use CORHIO’s HIE tools for the shared goal of better serving their respective populations.

What’s the difference between an ACO, IPA and MSO?

Date: June 5th, 2020

Accountable care organizations, independent physician associations, and managed services organizations all offer benefits to primary care providers. But what are the differences and how do they impact participation in value-based care?

Helping Case Managers Coordinate the Right Care for Patients

Date: February 19th, 2016

Longmont Community Health Network is a small but determined organization that focuses on helping patients who have “fallen through the cracks” in the healthcare system. Christa Peacock is the sole case manager for the group and helps patients get the right care, as many rely on the emergency department at Longmont United Hospital for their needs.