Meaningful Use - So What's Changing?
August 14th, 2015
| Published Under Meaningful Use
Long summer days and vacations can easily make your forget about MU, but big changes are on the horizon. At the time of publishing, the final rule for the 2015-2017 Modifications to Meaningful Use has not yet been released but it is the perfect time to reacquaint yourselves with it. Earlier this spring, CORHIO recorded a webinar about the proposed changes expected to start in 2015 and you can view it here.
A few of the proposed changes to the EHR Incentive Program include:
- 90-day EHR Reporting Period for all EPs and EHs in 2015 only
- EHs will report on the calendar year starting in 2015
- Starting in 2016, all EPs and EHs will report on Stage 2 regardless of the previous year attestation
Some of the proposed changes to Meaningful Use include:
- The removal of redundant objectives
- All objectives will be required with some exclusions available
- Measure 2 of the Patient Electronic Access objective has been changed from 5% to one (1) patient per EHR Reporting Period
- Secure Electronic Messaging for EPs has been to a Yes/No measure for the capability to be enabled
- E-Prescribing is required for EHs (previously a Menu objective)