Spotlight on Rural Healthcare and HIE

October 15th, 2021 | Published Under Health Information Exchange by Bob Mook

CORHIO among the co-sponsors, presenters at the Colorado Rural Health Conference

Rural healthcare providers play a significant role in delivering timely, safe and effective care throughout Colorado. As described in Colorado's Health IT Roadmap, the Office of eHealth Innovation (OeHI) and the Advancing HIE Workgroup seek to harmonize and advance data sharing and health information exchange (HIE) capabilities across Colorado.

As one of Colorado’s recognized health information exchanges (HIE), CORHIO provides critical health IT infrastructure and real-time health information to providers in all corners of the state, which is one of many reasons why we are among the proud sponsors of the Colorado Rural Health Center’s annual Colorado Rural Health Conference, Oct. 20-22 in Denver.

During the conference, CORHIO’s Chief Strategy Officer Kelly Joines is scheduled to lead an Oct. 21 panel discussion entitled “Using Health Information Technology to Improve the Continuity of Care.”

Featuring Dena Strick, Regional Supervisor for the Health Care Partners Foundation and James “Tiny” McLaughlin, Director of the Community Paramedicine program of Ute Pass Regional Health Service District, the session will focus on strides that the rural health community has made in data sharing for vulnerable populations, including a summary of progress made with rural criminal justice providers and EMS and details on opportunities for rural health providers to join the HIE network.

Health Care Partners Foundation’s work with HIE is highlighted in this blog posting and you can learn more about McLauglin’s Community Paramedicine program and its innovative use of HIE here.

For a snapshot of participating rural healthcare providers on the CORHIO network, check out our map of participating providers on our website.