Eight Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Organizations Confirmed for HIE Care Transitions Program

Date: February 8th, 2012Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: Long-Term Care, Transitions of Care

Openings Remain to Accept Additional LTPAC Participants through End of February

With the nation’s aging population continuing to grow, long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) providers face intensifying challenges associated with coordinating care for patients transitioning to and from different care settings. In order to help LTPAC providers improve transitions of care, CORHIO is offering funding for qualified LTPACs to adopt health information exchange (HIE) and measure the impact of HIE on quality of patient care. So far, funding has been awarded to eight LTPAC organizations, representing 20 separate facilities in total.

LTPAC Care Transitions Program participant Sunny Living Vista Center (SVLC) is looking forward to the advantages of sharing patient information seamlessly through HIE. SVLC, a nursing facility in Colorado Springs, currently receives information through a faxed referral process, which can take up to an hour from the initial request for evaluation. The information is then disbursed to each staff member for approval. Even with an electronic health record (EHR) system in place, staff members are frequently sent in person to referring hospitals to gather more info, which wastes significant time and energy.

“If everyone could log-in and see the information at the same time, the time it takes to evaluate [patients] would be drastically reduced,” said Janet Burns, SLVC executive director. “By speeding up the evaluation process through HIE, the patient can move over earlier and with less stress. We could also obtain information regarding discharge orders and medications in advance of admission, so everything is ready when the patient arrives.”

Confirmed LTPAC HIE Program Participants

The initial funds for the launch of CORHIO’s LTPAC Care Transitions Program were awarded to CORHIO by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) through a “challenge grant” to help measure the impact of HIE on LTPAC care transitions. The following LTPAC organizations have qualified to participate:

Boulder County

  • Frasier Meadows
  • Hospice Care of Boulder & Broomfield

Colorado Springs

  • Mosaic in Colorado Springs
  • Sunny Vista Living Center


  • Sangre de Cristo Hospice & Palliative Care

Statewide or Multi-Regional

  • Gentiva Home Health
  • Sangre de Cristo Hospice & Palliative Care
  • Professional Home Health Care

Eligibility Criteria & How to Apply to the Program

LTPAC organizations must meet eligibility criteria in order to qualify for the program, which will be available through February 29, 2012.

Participating LTPAC organizations will receive training and access to the CORHIO HIE, via CORHIO's PatientCare 360® Web portal. Participants will be requested to attend local community-level care transitions meetings and complete several assessments and surveys over the course of the program.

If you believe your organization qualifies for the LTPAC Transitions Program, please call CORHIO as soon as possible at 720-285-3200 or email info@corhio.org for details and an application.

If your organization does not meet the eligibility criteria for the LTPAC Transitions Program, but would like to participate in the CORHIO HIE, please contact us.