Are you expecting Medicare payment adjustments?
Date: January 14th, 2015Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: EHRs, Meaningful Use, PQRS, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Transformation Support ServicesEligible professionals across the country received letters from CMS notifying them they failed to meet EHR incentive program and/or quality reporting requirements and to expect a payment adjustment. If you received one of these letters, CORHIO’s Transformation Support Services team can help.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mailed 257,000 notifications to eligible professionals who failed to meet Meaningful Use, informing them about upcoming Medicare payment adjustments. The adjustment includes a 1% reduction in Medicare payments that started January 1, 2015. In addition, any providers who also failed to meet the electronic prescribing incentive program or physician quality reporting requirements could see additional payment adjustments.
The letters included instructions for those who want to appeal these adjustments. Reasons to appeal include receiving the letter in error, being unable to perform necessary EHR reporting, and unique individual reasons that caused an eligible professional to be unable to attest. This is different from the hardship exemption for calendar year 2015, so those who have already applied for that exemption cannot appeal to CMS again.
CORHIO Can Help You Avoid Future Penalties
If you received one of these letters from CMS or would like to learn more about the EHR incentive programs, CORHIO has Meaningful Use experts on staff that can help. Contact us for a free assessment of your needs on how to avoid Meaningful Use penalties in the future. We can provide you with one-on-one coaching to help you meet Meaningful Use objectives for Stages 1 and 2, including quality measures reporting.
For more information on the appeal process: