Colorado Is Ready!
Date: August 26th, 2019Category: CORHIO e-NewsletterTopics: Primary Care, Behavioral Health
A new website and collaborative effort has launched to keep the Colorado State Innovation Model momentum going now that the program has ended.
Last month, the Colorado State Innovation Model (SIM) program came to a successful end. This $65-million initiative was funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and led by the Colorado Governor’s Office to support health care providers in integrating behavioral and physical health care and gaining the skills they need to succeed with alternative payment models.
To keep the momentum going that so many stakeholders worked hard to establish, Colorado SIM, the Eugene S Farley Jr Health Policy Center and the Wandersman Center, put together a website called Colorado Is Ready.
“As SIM concludes, cross-sector partnerships among stakeholders across both the delivery and payment systems are vital to sustain ongoing collaboration that supports behavioral health integration throughout the state,” the site states.
To learn more about these efforts and how you can help spread the word, check out Colorado Is Ready, which is described as a rally point for all of Colorado stakeholders integrating care to show their readiness and commitment to keep the momentum going. On this website, you can:
- Read the Readiness of Cross-Sector Partners to Sustain and Advance Integrated Behavioral and Physical Health in Colorado report
- Connect with a collaborative social media effort
- View motivational videos with compelling stories on care delivery transformation
- Download content to share with your network
- Download images, including the I’m Ready button ready for your social media pages