Category: Healthcare Industry News
A Consensus on the Need for Collaboration to Implement the Coming "Revolution"
Date: May 16th, 2013Source: Healthcare InformaticsTopics: Health ITIn a wide-ranging panel discussion that brought together leaders from a variety of stakeholder groups across healthcare—hospital organizations, physician practices, integrated health systems, organized healthcare, and vendor organizations—industry luminaries agreed on May 16, in the opening panel discussion of the Healthcare Informatics Executive Summit being held in San Francisco, on the urgent need for cross-stakeholder collaboration. The panel discussion followed immediately upon the opening keynote address by Russell Branzell, president and CEO of the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), and Branzell was a panelist. The coming healthcare “revolution” that Branzell had just spoken of was broadly cited by panelists during the discussion.
Read MoreCommunication Skills Key to Exam Room Computing: AMA Report
Date: May 13th, 2013Source: Modern Healthcare (free registration may be required to view)Topics: EHRs, Health IT, Physician WorkflowThere is no consensus about the best way to incorporate computers into a patient visit, but whether computers are a negative or positive influence in the exam room appears to depend on the communication skills of the physician, according to a report from the American Medical Association board of trustees.
Read MoreNearly Half of Eligible Professionals Have Received EHR Payments
Date: May 1st, 2013Source: Modern Healthcare (free registration may be required to view)Topics: EHRs, Meaningful UseMore than a quarter million physicians and other professionals eligible for the federally funded electronic health-record incentive payment programs have received payments, according to the latest government data.
Read MoreSharing is Caring: HIE and Turning Data Into Knowledge
Date: April 26th, 2013Source: Healthcare InformaticsTopics: HIE, EHRs, Care CoordinationAccording to a recent discussion paper released by the Institute of Medicine, most people who receive healthcare in the United States recognize that the system is complicated and fragmented. What they are less likely to know is that opportunities to learn from the care provided in hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices are most often lost. As healthcare records move to electronic systems, the data routinely collected as part of medical care (such as blood pressure measurements, weight, medications lists, disease diagnoses, and past medical histories) hold the promise to dramatically increase the opportunities for learning and improving care on a national scale. Turning data collected at the time of care into knowledge that can be used in clinical practice is essential if we are to achieve a learning health system—a system that continuously and seamlessly uses healthcare data from across the entire system to answer important questions that matter to patients and their healthcare providers.
Read MoreHot Horizons: CMIOs Look to the Near Future
Date: April 24th, 2013Source: Healthcare InformaticsTopics: Meaningful Use, Accountable CareThe lead medical informaticists in hospitals, medical groups, and health systems are juggling an unprecedented number of "menu" items on their to-do lists these days. Which are the most strategically important? And do the CMIOs in those positions have what it takes to deliver the goods? Healthcare Informatics asked a virtual roundtable of industry-leading CMIOs for their perspectives.
Read MoreNew Federal Rules Propose to Extend Program to Donate EHRs to Physicians
Date: April 9th, 2013Source: Health Data ManagementTopics: EHRsExisting exemptions to federal physician self-referral and anti-kickback laws that enable hospitals and other entities to donate electronic health records systems to physicians would be extended under two proposed rules issued on April 9.
Read MoreFinal HIPAA Rule Becomes Effective
Date: March 26th, 2013Source: Health Data ManagementTopics: Data Security, HIPAAThe final omnibus rule published on Jan. 25, 2013 to modify the HIPAA privacy, security, breach notification and enforcement rules, as well as the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, became effective on March 26. However, the compliance date for the rule is September 23, 2013. Organizations have one year from the compliance date to modify business associate agreements to match new requirements.
Read MoreMedical Device, Health IT Interoperability Could Save $30 Billion Annually
Date: March 21st, 2013Source: Healthcare Finance NewsTopics: HIE, Health IT, InteroperabilityA new report from the West Health Institute contends that improvements in the ability of medical devices and health IT systems to communicate and exchange data could lead to more than $30 billion a year in savings.
Read MoreTechnology Alone Isn't Healthcare's Savior
Date: March 14th, 2013Source: InformationWeek HealthcareTopics: EHRs, Health ITIf you believe everything you read and hear, technology is the Holy Grail of our industry. It will "fix" just about everything that's broken in healthcare. That's a presumption fueled by human nature: Gravitate toward simplicity and immediate gratification. Technology is tangible, something we can install, turn on and it works. But what exactly should we expect from this working technology? Have we done a thorough job of defining what we want to accomplish and then addressed all of the components that go into ensuring we succeed?
Read MoreThe Case for an HIE: How State's Providers Are Improving Care, Coordination
Date: March 6th, 2013Source: Physicians PracticeTopics: HIE, Meaningful Use, Care CoordinationHealth information exchanges (HIE) can improve care coordination. They're also helping providers meet challenging Stage 2 requirements for CMS' meaningful use program. But still, the lion's share of practices still aren't connected to one. Click here to find out more! That's less so the case in Kansas, one of a growing number of states that' s recognized for establishing a successful HIE that providers are adopting. And though there are still those reticent doctors who prefer paper, more and more of them are opting to connect to HIE networks for purposes of sharing and exchanging data.
Read MoreHow One Doctor Uses His Mobile EHR to Coordinate Care
Date: March 5th, 2013Source: Physicians PracticeTopics: EHRs, Mobile Health, Care CoordinationCoordinating care with other providers is becoming more important in the digital age. And a growing number of mobile devices are making it much easier. In this podcast, recorded live from the HIMSS13 conference in New Orleans, Michael Jordan, founder and practicing physician at East Lake Pediatrics in Trinity, Fla., shares his experience with implementing an mobile EHR and using it to coordinate care.
Read MoreGetting Patients Engaged in Care and in Meeting Meaningful Use
Date: March 5th, 2013Source: Physicians PracticeTopics: Meaningful Use, Patient EngagementIn the Stage 1 rules to meaningful use of their EHRs, physicians and their practices had to step up the way they collected and shared patient data. Now in Stage 2, they will have to continue those efforts, but also be prepared to get patients more involved with their own health information, beginning in 2014.
Read MoreACO Success Requires Taking Health IT to Next Level
Date: March 5th, 2013Source: Physicians PracticeTopics: Health IT, Accountable CareHealth IT can help physicians improve the quality of care they provide patients; it can also help physicians identify and prevent potential patient health problems from occurring; it can even help them do these things while reducing healthcare spending. The trick, however, is that to do all of these things, providers need to leverage technology in the right ways. That’s according to internal medicine physician Charles Kennedy, CEO of Aetna Accountable Care Solutions, which collaborates with and assists providers with transitioning to accountable care organizations (ACOs). ACOs are groups of providers (practices, medical groups, hospitals) that partner up to improve care quality while reducing care costs. If successful, providers share in the cost savings.
Read MoreAchieving EHR Optimization at Your Medical Practice
Date: March 4th, 2013Source: Physicians PracticeTopics: EHRs, Physician Workflow, Patient CareEHR optimization is not just about getting the most out of the technology solution your practice has invested in. Instead, notes Trenor Williams, MD, CEO and co-founder of health IT firm Clinovations, it is about how you utilize your EHR as just one tool to improve the care of individuals and populations. "At the end of the day," notes Williams, "all of us as physicians, as providers, as practices, we want to take better care of our patients. …I believe access to data, access to information, will allow us to do that more efficiently and more effectively."
Read MoreComputerized Provider Order Entry Cuts Medication Errors, Study Shows
Date: February 22nd, 2013Source: Healthcare IT NewsTopics: Physician Workflow, Medication ReconciliationA new report, supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), demonstrates that processing prescriptions through computerized provider order entry can cut drug errors in half, and could avoid more than 17 million adverse incidents annually.
Read MoreNumbers, Numbers and More Numbers
Date: February 14th, 2013Source: The Wall Street JournalTopics: Data AnalyticsUnder pressure to do more with less, insurers, pharmacy benefit managers and health care providers are all pushing data analysis to new heights. Insurers have been crunching numbers for years to figure out which patients are most likely to generate high costs. Now other groups are gauging probabilities of relapses, and the likelihood of a patient's not taking his or her medicine. Using models that draw on massive troves of medical and other data, some are also focusing on seemingly healthy individuals, trying to prevent problems before they occur.
Read MoreONC Calls on EHR Vendors to Play Fair, Or Face Regulation
Date: February 7th, 2013Source: Healthcare IT NewsTopics: HIE, EHRs, Meaningful Use, Health ITAt a Feb. 6 meeting of the Health IT Policy Committee, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Farzad Mostashari, MD, said that, by and large, electronic health record vendors have their customers’ best interests at heart. But to the few who don’t, he gave a stern warning: Abide by what is "moral and right," or face more regulation. Mostashari’s comments came by way of clarification to opening remarks he gave at last month's HIT Policy Committee meeting. He wanted to make sure that the vendors who are doing right by providers and society’s interest do not mistake him for coming down on them. He was speaking to the few exceptions, when he made remarks at the Jan. 8 meeting.
Read MoreThree Ways Health IT Helps Combat the Flu
Date: February 6th, 2013Source: Health IT, Patient CareThe news has been abuzz about the recent explosion of influenza across the country. It becomes more alarming with every flu-related death, and its spread doesn’t seem to be slowing down. As a physician or office manager, it’s important to ensure your patients – particularly those in high-risk groups – are protected against any risks. But since you’re a veteran, you know accomplishing this is often a logistical nightmare. Can health IT help? Yes!
Read MoreStudy: EHRs Boost Quality of Care at Federal Health Centers
Date: February 4th, 2013Source: Healthcare IT NewsTopics: EHRs, Health IT, Patient CareHealth IT adoption at Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) has yielded significant quality of care improvements, a new study has found, even as the health centers are still coming up to speed with meaningful use. A study in the journal BMC Health Services Research examined 776 FQHCs using data from the Commonwealth Fund’s 2009 National Survey of Federally Qualified Health Centers, measuring the extent of electronic health record and health information exchange use and associated quality of care across several functions.
Read MoreValue of Structured Data to Interoperability, Meaningful Use
Date: February 4th, 2013Source: EHR IntelligenceTopics: Meaningful Use, InteroperabilityIn order for all the data capture taking place in the earliest stages of the EHR Incentive Programs to prove valuable to not only coordinated care but also population health and clinical research, the information flowing in and out of EHR and health IT systems need structure. Although data appear in two forms — structured and unstructured — the former will be more a catalyst for change than the latter as a result of how effectively it can support both primary and secondary and tertiary objectives.
Read MoreReport: Adoption of EHRs by Family Physicans to Exceed 80% in 2013
Date: February 4th, 2013Source: Annals of Family MedicineTopics: EHRs, Meaningful Use, Primary CareTwo independent data sets yielded convergent results, showing that adoption of EHRs by family physicians has doubled since 2005, exceeding other office-based physicians as a group, and is likely to surpass 80% by 2013. Adoption varies at a state level. Further monitoring of trends in EHR adoption and characterizing their capacities are important to achieve comprehensive data exchange necessary for better, affordable health care.
Read MoreThe Truth Behind "Free" EHRs
Date: January 25th, 2013Source: Healthcare Technology Online Topics: EHRsEveryone loves free stuff. There’s just something so intoxicating about receiving a product or service without having to shell out your hard-earned dollars in return. Doctors aren’t immune to this sensation. This is one of the reasons several “free” ambulatory EHR platforms have become so popular with physician practices — particularly independent practitioners. However, for this demographic, a free EHR can mean more than a sense of euphoria. In many cases, the ability to sidestep the often substantial upfront costs necessary to implement an EHR can keep a practice from shutting its doors or physicians from taking an early retirement.
Read MoreEHR Adoption Pitfalls, Strategies to Overcome Problems Are Focus of White Paper
Date: January 23rd, 2013Source: AAFP News Now Topics: EHRs, Primary CareThe ability of primary care practices to successfully adopt and use electronic health records (EHRs) is driven, in large part, by how well they integrate EHRs into six major practice areas. That's according to a white paper recently issued by Qualis Health, a nonprofit health care consulting company that manages the Washington and Idaho Regional Extension Center (WIREC).
Read MoreGrowing Pains As Doctors' Offices Adopt Electronic Records
Date: January 22nd, 2013Source: National Public RadioTopics: EHRs, Physician WorkflowInformation technology has transformed much of the American economy, but its use in health care still lags, especially when it comes to electronic medical records. Here's an example: The state of Colorado runs a computerized registry where any provider who gives a child a vaccine can report that information. The system should help kids stay current with their immunizations. But the state's computer system isn't compatible with most of the ones doctors use, so many practices don't update the central database because it's just too much extra data entry, says Dr. Allison Kempe, director of the Children's Outcomes Research Program at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Read MoreEHR Adoption Could Exceed 80% by 2013, New Study Finds
Date: January 15th, 2013Source: Healthcare IT NewsTopics: EHRs, Meaningful Use, Primary CareFamily physicians are adopting electronic health records (EHRs) at a much faster rate than previous data suggested, reaching a nearly 70% adoption rate nationwide, new study findings reveal. The study, published in the January/February issue of the Annals of Family Medicine, shows EHR adoption by family physicians has doubled since 2005, with researchers estimating that the adoption rate will exceed 80% by 2013.
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