Data Routing to Providers
Your clinical staff administers and processes tests that are critical to physicians’ ability to make accurate diagnoses, manage patients’ chronic conditions, develop treatment regimens, and in some cases, save lives. Making test results – and other important patient information – quickly and easily available to physicians and other providers outside your organization is not only vital to patient care but also essential for success in value-based care payment models and accountable care organization (ACO) partnerships.
Let CORHIO help you deliver test results and clinical information to the primary care providers and specialists who need it to optimize patient care. Since not every healthcare provider has an electronic health record (EHR) system capable of advanced interoperability, we have developed multiple methods for delivering information to physician offices, long-term care centers, home health nurses and other clinical care givers in a way that is secure and most useful to them. We accommodate varying levels of technology adoption and reduce the burden on your IT and medical records departments to build costly interfaces or retrieve, scan and mail records to requesting providers.
CORHIO can help you deliver the following data types to your community providers:
- Laboratory, pathology and microbiology test results
- Radiology reports
- Hospital admission, transfer and discharge (ADT) summaries
- Transcriptions
Additionally, we can set up automatic reporting from your organization to public health including reportable conditions (electronic lab reporting), immunizations, cancer registry, and syndromic surveillance data. For more information about public health data exchange, please visit our Public Health Reporting page.
Seamless Delivery that Makes Your Job Easier, Reduces Costs
CORHIO works with your IT department or staff to build interfaces that connect your clinical information systems to the HIE network. We then route appropriate information to providers’ EHR systems or make it accessible through our query-based web portal, PatientCare 360®. For providers receiving data through their EHR, we configure their interface and accommodate their data filtering requests so your IT resources can be focused on other strategic initiatives.
Benefits of Using CORHIO’s HIE Network for Data Sharing:
- Cost-effective data exchange with physicians and other providers (avoid building costly point-to-point interfaces)
- Reduced costs associated with medical records management including storing, faxing and mailing paper files to requesting providers
- Improved quality and coordination of patient care
- Reduced hospital readmissions
- HIPAA-compliant data sharing with other healthcare providers within CORHIO’s established trust network
- Advanced data protection and access audits that safeguard protected health information